![]() I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say, 'My mind is so busy, I couldn't possibly meditate.' That's the exact reason to meditate! How else would you expect to create a change in the behavior of your mind? I think it was my teacher Sally Kempton who said that meditation is the process for cleansing our minds. We brush our teeth and wash our bodies to clean them and meditation is what does that for our minds. So for those of us with busy minds {um, that's just about all of us}, the practice of meditation is creating a change in our pattern to just let our minds run amuck. The cool thing about the practice is that after a while you will actually start to notice your thoughts. And you will notice that you have the same thoughts over and over and over and over - day after day after day after day. The art of meditation is seeing that. It's gaining that awareness, because awareness is the first key that you need in order to do something different. That awareness opens you to choice. So eventually when you are 'thought' composing that email for the twentieth time that you need to write or having a conversation in your head with your boss about a stressful situation at work instead of just having the conversation - you can choose to stop that in-your-head conversation. I clearly remembering during one of my meditations when I was on a thought train winding myself through the places I've been and meeting up with folks from my past and BAM in stepped my awareness. And there I was with the thoughts AND the awareness of the thoughts. I had a choice to make. I could keep going with the thought train on the journey through my mind OR I could return to my meditation practice. This is where YOU are headed. You will get there, just keep making the choice to take your seat each day. After a while, your awareness will begin to win and your mind will settle down and stop being such a distraction for you. And then a really cool thing will happen, that awareness will begin to pop up for you outside your meditation practice. All of a sudden you will catch yourself having the same thought again, take note of it, and stop the cycle. Meditation will help you begin to win the war even outside your practice. It's a process - it will take time to unwind your mind. Want some assistance getting there? Join us for Motivate To Meditate or sign up for private mediation sessions! Check out these other blogs on meditation: The Secret Benefit Of Meditation Use Meditation To Stop Unwanted Thoughts And Calm Your Mind What I Learned From Teaching Meditation At The Huffington Post Oasis
AuthorJenn White, Yoga Educator, Meditation Teacher, and Owner of Embodied Bliss, began her journey of yoga and meditation in 2004 while recovering from a back injury. Feeling lost, restless and seeking something more from life, she found her path through meditation. Archives
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